Hotels Online Club is not a travel agent. We do not sell hotels nor provide reservation services. You cannot make a booking online on our website. We help consumers to find the best hotel rates by searching over 30 major travel sites at once. This just helps the travelers to find best hotels for least prices. You can place this search widget or links or banners on our site, which allows your visitors to search the information they need.
We have more 200,000 hotels in 20,000 destinations across 195 countries. We support 14 languages and 118 currencies. Using our service, travelers no longer have to search websites one by one to find the best deals and lowest rates. Once you find the supplier suitable for your needs, we link you through to the supplier website to book directly. We are independent and are not paid to promote any particular website or hotel. We are committed to showing the "complete picture" for any hotel that can be booked on the Internet today. All of the information available on the Website including:-
- Hotel room availabilities
- Hotel room rates
- Hotel descriptions and photographs
- Hotel amenities
- Customer reviews and editorial commentary
We have more 200,000 hotels in 20,000 destinations across 195 countries. We support 14 languages and 118 currencies. Using our service, travelers no longer have to search websites one by one to find the best deals and lowest rates. Once you find the supplier suitable for your needs, we link you through to the supplier website to book directly. We are independent and are not paid to promote any particular website or hotel. We are committed to showing the "complete picture" for any hotel that can be booked on the Internet today. All of the information available on the Website including:-
- Hotel room availabilities
- Hotel room rates
- Hotel descriptions and photographs
- Hotel amenities
- Customer reviews and editorial commentary